Meet John Owen Lowe, Netflix’s Next Star

The Unstable cocreator on sharing the screen with his dad and what he watches to de-stress

Photography by JOHN RUSSO


John Owen Lowe.


John Owen Lowe really hopes you’ll binge season two of his Netflix series Unstable when it drops this weekend: That’s when the numbers really count on the streaming service. “If everyone who saw Deadpool & Wolverine this past weekend watches our show, we’ll be in great shape,” he says.

In real life, John, a Stanford grad, is the 29-year-old son of actor Rob Lowe. On Unstable, which he cocreated, the two are also father and son. Rob is Ellis Dragon, an off-the-rails Elon Musk tech entrepreneur. John is Jackson Dragon, an accomplished flautist (yes, it’s a comedy) who begins working with his dad in order to help keep him, well, on more of an even keel.

On the eve of the premiere of the next eight episodes on which he is also a writer, John answered some questions for C Magazine.

How do you feel on the eve of the release of season two of Unstable?
I feel a lot of things. I feel very excited. I’m particularly excited about people getting to see the healthy pivot and growth of season one into season two and the additions to our cast. I’m also incredibly anxious. Truthfully, it’s a project that’s really personal to me. I try not to let myself get too focused on how a project does, but I’d say I’m a healthy dose of stressed.

What’s the most exciting thing about landing a second season?
I think this is true for a lot of comedies, but for the second season, you learn what worked best and you learn what didn’t land. That’s definitely true here. We leaned even harder into the comedy and the meta-ness of Rob and I playing father and son on TV. It’s all based on our shared experiences. There’s not a ton of acting going on. It’s our real dynamic.

Will you send out a mass email to friends, family, and colleagues asking them to tune in?
I haven’t thought about the game plan. Part of it is raw hope that my friends and loved ones will just watch the episodes without being asked. I do have some friends that are waiting to binge-watch the first season to watch the second, but I’d very much like them to get to it this weekend. Yes, I’ll send some texts out and post on my Instagram and plead with those who care about me to take a look. I would never group text, though.

What’s the best joke in season two?
In a lie detector scene, Fred Armisen’s character asks, “Did you get The Da Vinci Code?” and “If you could get rid of one bodily function, what would it be?”


John Owen Lowe.


Okay, so what are your answers to those questions? 
No, I did not get The Da Vinci Code, and I would say hiccups. Fun fact about Johnny Lowe — I get the hiccups almost every day.

What else are you watching? 
When I’m slightly stressed, I like returning to comfort television, like The Office, New Girl, and 30 Rock. I’ve heard that Presumed Innocent is fantastic, and I might start that.

Will you have a viewing party with your family?
Well, we’ve already watched everything together in the editing room, and my dad’s in Europe. I was thinking of inviting my friends over to watch.

That sounds like fun. How will you cater? 
Well, I have jars of candy out at my house. I like it looking like a little movie theater. So they’ll have access to candy. I’ve become a spokesperson for Atkins, so I have some Atkins products. The bars taste like candy — I’m always munching on those bad boys. And I’ll probably order some Postmates.

Would you say you’re the most successful alum out of your Stanford graduation class?
No, absolutely not. I can’t be. That would be shameful for the class of 2018. Some of them are changing the world. Do I think I’m one of the most visible? Yes.


August 1, 2024

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